
May 4, 2022 — Eileen Schmidt — Personal Change  “I am one of those people who has great difficulty meditating.”


July 17, 2022 — Eileen Schmidt — A Miracle in the Chaos… he [the cable repairman] had been doing this [job] for 27 years and had never seen anything like this.”

July 18, 2022 — Rachel Shipley — Touched by Blessings  “Thank you for reaching out!!! The Blessings have touched my life in amazing ways.”

July 20, 2022 — Eileen Schmidt — Bad Dreams Ended  “After I started this class I heard a voice telling me to look at all the good the relationship had brought to me life.”

July 22, 2022 — Greg Menz — My Life Has Changed  “… I feel as if I am on a highly accelerated journey into my heart and beyond.”

July 26, 2022 — Martha Carlin — The Bathing Ritual  “I set up the garlic and salt bath and had him soaking with the key.”


Aug 5, 2022 — Kim Adamson — Blessings from the Council   “All I can say is ‘Wow’… ”

Aug 6, 2022 — Deb Maslowski — Heavenly High Councils Are In Awe   “Heavenly High Councils are in awe at our choosing to step forth and work with GW, Zari and each other.”


Sep 6, 2022 — Rachel Shipley — Sharing the Blessing to the World  “… felt really good.”

Sep 9, 2022 — Lindsey Hansen-Sturm — Something Amazing is Ahead  “I feel like a fledgling that instinctively knows something amazing is ahead (that I will take flight and then learn to soar high).”

Sep 16, 2022 — Eileen Schmidt — My Life Has Radically Changed  “It started with my relations with my own family and has radiated outward to many others. My life is truly filled with peace.”


Oct 1, 2022 — Astrid Stellar — Remarkable Spiritual Experience  “I saw the things that tree knows …”

Oct 13, 2022 — Eileen Schmidt — The Heart Appeared on the Tree  “Today I asked to be able to join the consciousness of the other trees.”

Oct 30, 2022 — Lindsey Hansen-Sturm — Connecting to My High Council  “I am in awe of the true grace of this experience.”


May 4, 2022 — Eileen Schmidt — Personal Change.

Hi Gary,

I wanted to extend my gratitude to you for being part of such an awesome class. I can never express how much this meant to me.

When i received the first handouts i contacted my dear friend Deb Maslowski and said maybe I didn't belong in the class. When i noticed all of the wonderful people in the class i doubted i belonged. She assured me that i did. She has been a great mentor to me.

I am one of those people who have great difficulty meditating. I have been diagnosed as ADHD. After starting this class peace began to fill me. Spirit does communicate with me when needed, loud and clear, just not often.

Last night seeing the light flowing out of myself was incredible. [During the class blessing.]

From My Heart to Your Heart Thank You.

God Bless You for all the light you bring into this world.

Eileen Schmidt


July 17, 2022 — Eileen Schmidt — A Miracle in the Chaos.

Dear Gary,

I just had to share something with you about the days since the blessing.

The very next day the company that was to install the [new] windows called me to say they would be here Friday. I needed the extension for the permit for this installation as it had been over six months. By noon i had what I needed.

Then I heard a steady drip from the AC unit. I called the AC office and they advised that they were closed. They called back because I have a contract with them. They advised me the owner was in ICU with covid but would send out a tech. He advised me I needed a unit.

That night i was up until 2:30 am sopping water up off the floor of the AC unit. I mentioned to my daughter the next day that it was splashing on my face and she asked it I had looked at the ceiling. It was wet. No I didn’t.

When I gave the VP of the Board of Directors my completed application for permission to install the windows she mentioned their hot water heater had broken. I went [upstairs] later in the afternoon when I realized there was water damage, and to advise her and her husband of the damage. They came down and looked at it and said it wasn't too bad. They would take care of it. I never heard from them after the 6th. I asked if I should call my insurance adjuster and they said no. (Sometimes I am very naive.)

On Friday I called up to ask if this would be a problem because I had a building inspector coming and she said no. I advised my daughter who is a real estate broker and she is like a pit bull when it comes to her mother. At that time the VP of the Board said I should call and report it … but wait until 9:15 when the office opened. When my daughter got to the office they denied they ever told me they would take care of it.

We called the insurance company on Friday, and they sent a company to place 9 fans, 2 large humidifiers and a large air cruncher. This at the same time a team [for] the windows were ripping out windows.

After everyone left I had to stay home because both of my daughters’ families had been exposed to covid. Then came my final blow. No TV and no internet. One daughter came over while I had to run to the store and I had TV. Next day no TV or internet. This went on until Sunday evening when I advised the [cable people that they] needed to send someone out.

Then came the most beautiful part of all of this. Monday morning at 8 am the cable repair man was at my door. I explained that there was no TV in the living room, but it was on in the bedroom. He stated it was impossible as the living room feeds the cable to the bedroom. I showed him. I said when I prayed it came back on. My prayer was to be able to unwind with TV. He proceeded to show me with the voltage meter that the two connections to this apartment were inoperable. Both splitters were not sending a signal to the apartment. He said he had been doing this for 27 years and had never seen anything like this.

Before he left he explained that he saw a light around me. He had coded [died] in the hospital and went to the other side before he came back. He asked if he could pray about me and said "you have a job to do." Some type of fear is holding you back but you need to get out and talk to people. It was so beautiful.

My joy is getting out and shining light on people. They feel it and respond to me. I tell them not to listen to all the bad news and focus on the good and watch it multiply in their lives. I am a fairly shy person until I get out around people and then I can talk to any stranger. My empathy has increased a great deal since this [Course] has started. My intuition is [getting] stronger, I hear music and voices on occasion. The other night after I woke up I heard a voice say "they will be here soon." I truly love being in the background, [but] this is different.

I know there is not anything I cannot handle. When I get overwhelmed I say out loud that I will not be stopped. I truly believe that we are here to finish the work Jeshua taught us many years ago.

I thank you for listening to my rambling but I wondered it any others in our group have experienced any unusual things since of last class.

Gary from my heart to yours with so much gratitude and thankfulness.

You have truly brought so many of us back together again.

Peace be with you,

Eileen Schmidt

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July 18, 2022 — Rachel Shipley — Touched by Blessings.

Hi GW!

Thank you for reaching out!! The Blessings have touched my life in amazing ways:

•helping with my move

•new job

•40 days of self care

•learning how to better understand/feel divine and channeled guidance

•and being able to share Radiance, Mystery, and Light with the earth

I would LOVE to read how this has impacted everyone!!!!

Thank you so much for sharing the impact these blessings and class are having on all of us.

With a joyful, grateful heart,

Rachael Shipley

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July 20, 2022 — Eileen Schmidt — Bad Dreams Ended

Hi Gary,

I have had an interesting experience. For years I tried to work on forgiveness for myself and my husband. He had passed away a long time ago but the dreams of the bad part of our marriage would continue. I tried all types of work to let it go but it never worked.

After I started this class I heard a voice telling me to look at all the good the relationship had brought to me life. So when I would pray I started thanking him for being the person who taught me so many lessons I needed to learn. The bad dreams completely ended.

Since that time I have been shown many people who were part of my life and can see the blessing each one has been in my life.

Talk about letting go of the past. This has been incredible.

Bless Your Heart Gary.

Peace Be With You.

Eileen Schmidt

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July 22, 2022 — Greg Menz — My Life Has Changed


 I have to say that since I enrolled for the Course in Wonders I feel as if I am on a highly accelerated journey into my heart and beyond. I have been interested in spirituality, sacred teachings, mystery schools, energy medicine, quantum mechanics, science, UFO phenomenon, Black Ops, Area 51 and more for the last 35 years.

Having come from a medical science background I have, over these last 35 years, seen very clearly the corruption in the medical system (Big Pharma) and its absolute slavery to the almighty dollar and the power that it generates. It is transparently obvious why they hate the word "cure."

I have seen the same forces acting in the world in so many other areas and where people are manipulated and used by the prevailing institutions and authorities for their own ends.

What's the common denominator? To me, a total lack of understanding by the majority of people of who and what we really are, the nature of reality and how "we" create it, and how truly "powerful" we potentially are if only we would rise out of the swamp of greed, fear, and negativity, and embrace our inherent divinity, rather than our ego based fears.

The journey from the ego's fear-based dialogue to the heart's spiritual balance is only a distance of some 40cm, but it seems to be the "longest journey in the world" for so many people. Without the heart's balance the ego can be a runaway train of ill informed decisions which get inoculated into the world, which then creates the chaos we see in the world today.

It truly is time for a change to more heart and less ego, and since taking your course i find myself really wanting to dive even more into the areas we have covered. Along the way I have seen very clearly that my heart has needed to be much more opened as well, and the course has been a major lever that has really accelerated the process for me.

I am now into the science of the heart instead of the science of the head. I now find myself surrounded by friends who are truly gifted in so many ways, psychic abilities being one of them. My partner has also changed during this time and has discovered, and embraced, her psychic abilities. She has always "talked to plants" but now she seems to have become a conduit for messages from a dear friend of ours who passed away late last year. In short, the "hearts" predominate in my world.

Just a scant short time ago I could not have envisioned the changes that have happened, nor that my life would be so changed in so many very positive ways.

I feel like everything has accelerated dramatically in a new and better direction.Your Course has for me, provided both a lever and meaningful direction to work with Spirit and the Councils of Creation, to make a positive impact, however small, to all life on this very beautiful planet called Earth, something I am truly grateful for.

My Heartfelt blessings and best wishes to you


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July 26, 2022 — Martha Carlin — The Bathing Ritual


Love the things you are posting from the group. I have a couple of stories of my own this past week.  

Last week we came back to Denver for our daughter’s wedding. A few days before the event our friend and energy healer came to do some work on us. She is highly intuitive and very sensitive to energy. I showed her the Key and she was blown away by the energy. I shared Regina’s site so she could order one.

Saturday after the wedding I started getting sick. Tested positive for covid on Sunday.  I was worried about John but he tested negative.  Yesterday he tested positive.   I was concerned about another bout like we had in December. I set up the garlic and salt bath and had him soaking with the key.  Then at bedtime i placed the key in the bed and said “i am allowing with no expectations”.  You know my desire to help John but I open the key to allow for what is best for John to occur.  

He work up this morning and almost looked like he wasn’t sick. 🙏🏻❤️ And the day has gone well.

With gratitude,


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Aug 5, 2022 — Kim Adamson — Blessings from the Council


Wow! The blessings from The Council and Zari and you are so amazing. I am so grateful and filled with love and Oneness inspiration. Our group and the larger group we don't even recognize are such a love blessing. It is so important to share the love with our dear Planet Earth and all souls and beings in every dimension. I'm so enjoying the opportunity to love and allow the connection with myself and all those who I can share with and give back the love. This opportunity is an immense blessing, and I am so grateful and thankful.

I know you are so loving and humble but the wisdom and experiences you share are so appreciated. All I can say is "Wow and thank you to you and our entire group!"

Sending lots of love to you,


Peace Love & Happiness

Aug 6, 2022 — Deb Maslowski — Heavenly High Councils Are In Awe

I received the 2nd Gateway Key from Regina with a letter from GW explaining that the change in vibrations have increased significantly, which was the reason for sending out the 2nd Gateway Key.

I like many of you have noticed this vibration change in our world, and within personally. Now having worked with my Heavenly High Council and listening to and trusting their teaching/guidance, I did not need to anchor or embed the blessings from the first Key. It automatically transferred. For you see the Key is a tool given to us, as are the blessings to help us remember the divine power we have had all along, when we chose to incarnate at this wondrous time. Once chosen to accept, it is not only embedded within, it transfers to anyone or thing we so choose.  

Heavenly High Councils are in awe at our choosing to step forth and work with GW, Zari and each other.  Our group has chosen to use these gifts/tools to uplift and co-create a world for the betterment of humanity and the planet.  It is in every thought, word, deed or action that we choose to be/do.  This is not what happened in Atlantis, we chose otherwise and that choice  caused cataclysmic results.  


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Sep 6, 2022 — Rachel Shipley — Sharing the Blessing to the World

Hi GW!

Thank you for another powerful class!

When the high council removed the main foundation of self doubt, this nervous energy lifted from my body (from 2nd to 3rd chakra). My stomach gurgled and made noises during the process. Once it released, I felt calm and peaceful.

Sharing the blessing to the world - that felt really good, too! It flowed easily after doubt was removed. :)

With each blessing I feel more in sync with my soul’s energy, the divine, and the world around me. I am starting to feel the harmony of a space and my place in it (how I can best be of service)

I appreciate all the time and energy that is given and gifted to us through these classes. I am very grateful you and Zari brought these wonderous, life changing blessings into our lives!!! Thank you, thank you!!

I am looking forward to working with this blessing this month and will share my experiences later on. 🤗

Thank you again for everything!!

Blessings, love, and light,

Rachael Shipley

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Sep 9, 2022 — Lindsey Hansen-Sturm — Something Amazing is Ahead

Dearest GW,

Last night’s blessing (5th) was truly profound.

I woke this morning feeling so calm in my being with a sense that something had been “cleaned out”

of my system.  All day I have been filled with immense gratitude to the High Council, to you, to Zari, to Paul, to the whole group  for this opportunity to re-write myself and create a new life story.

I feel like a fledgling that instinctively knows something amazing is ahead (that I will take flight and then learn to soar high). For now, it feels very important to take my time in my newly created nest, inside of me, and just be nourished in this new space and rest.  I trust more than ever that when ready, I will take the leap from the nest and start to create a new me.

I could fall a lot while learning to fly or perhaps I’ll fly right away, I have no idea. Maybe it will happen tomorrow, maybe the next day … I truly do not know, but I feel so in tune with allowing it to birth through me.

I am so so grateful!!!

Much Love to you,


Sep 16, 2022 — Eileen Schmidt — My Life Has Radically Changed

Hi Gary,

Zari had asked about the effect of these blessings.  Since this course started my life has radically changed.  It started with my relations with my own family and has radiated outward to many others.  My life is truly filled with peace.  Our family dynamics have improved so much.

I spoke to Deb last night.  I was ill with covid during our last blessing.  She mentioned seeing beings during the blessing and it made me remember that I did too.  They were standing beside me.  I did not see them super clearly but could make out the outlines.  They brought peace to me.  The strange part was i felt comforted by the presence.

I do not see things.  I am a "knower.”  I receive plenty of information.  Sometime gentle and sometimes a good kick in the butt.  It was great to see something with my physical eyes.

I cannot thank you, Zari,  Paul, and Regina enough for this awesome class.  You all have blessed the lives of each and every member of this incredible group.

Bless Your Hearts,

Peace Be With You,


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Oct 1, 2022 — Astrid Stellar — Remarkable Spiritual Experience

Dearest GW,

I couldn’t be more thrilled and honored to read this blessing and you and Zari’s continued generosity of time, energy, wisdom and extraordinary skills with us. Thank you.

I had the most remarkable spiritual experience I can ever recall with a grandfather pine tree on the evening of the equinox in a forest in the mountains. It was complete unconditional love and warmth and a held feeling that brought me to my knees in tears and loving comfort. I saw the things that tree knows or the collective of trees has witnessed over the recent millennia of the bird tribes and natives and then showed me what we’ve (modern us) done to the earth. I was told words weren’t needed hardly at all in the way they once were and was taught to “see” in the dark and navigate the forest floor with light feet, never tripping or stumbling even on the very steep incline I was on. I suddenly knew where the “original trails” were and where the berries were located and they showed me that I had the ability within me to be warm in the cold, and instantly switched it on.

So, I’m been in the bliss of that tree experience and moving into my dream job working with Slim Spurling’s legacy at Light Life Technology on the 10th of the month and know that my role as a sky and earth steward just got a massive amount of rocket fuel ; ).

NOW, just reading my latest miracle of receiving your email - the offer of actual practical learning of communication with trees AND then our own High Council?

I feel the quantum POWER and nature of being in a phase conjugate mirror group as we are. It’s indescribable.

Much Love,


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Oct 13, 2022 — Eileen Schmidt — The Heart Appeared on the Tree

Dear Gary,

I so enjoyed Ben sharing with us Tuesday evening. Someone else was having the same experience.

The tree outside my apartment has such magnifcant energy. I still see the face. When I said I would like to find the heart it appeared on the tree. I cannot go out and hug the tree because this is a busy complex but put my hand on it every chance I get. I see animals in the tree.

Shortly before starting this course in wonders I felt compelled to start praying for Mother Earth. After a few of the blessings i knew that i must use the gateway key when I pray and now pray from the porch near the tree. Here is the strange part - I feel the tree join my energy. When I first connect with the tree it is through my head and then when I ask it to move to my heart it does. The first time I completed my prayer I looked at the tree and there was a golden Buddha in the heart of the tree. It was so beautiful.

Today I asked to be able to join the consciousness of the other trees. The energy came in through my heart and moved all the way through my body.

I am so greatful for Paul telling us not to discount was information we get because I probably would have done so.

With heartfelt love, gratitude and thankfullness to you, Zari, Paul and the rest of this incredible class.

Bless Your Heart,

Peace Be With You,

Eileen Schmidt

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Oct 30, 2022 — Lindsey Hansen-Sturm — Connecting to My High Council

Dear GW and Zari,

    My deepest Gratitude to you both for this truly remarkable series of Blessings! After experiencing the connection to the Tree Over-Spirit for a while (which was quite extraordinary also!!) I began to connect to my High Council in the last 3-4 days. I am in awe at the True Grace of this experience. The Stillness is so profound. As I sit I feel like I am being “breathed” by the most pure love… I feel like I am learning what we call “unconditional love,” and there is an immediate desire to share this with the Earth and all of us.


So much love to you both and I so appreciate each of you and your dedication to sharing these gifts with all of us.

Love and More Love,

